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fantasy football fantasy football

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fantasy football fantasy football


Yahoo Roster Sync Beta - Free Roster Syncronization


Paste your league XML here. (See: how do I get my league XML* below)

* YouTube demo: How to Sync your Yahoo League:

* How do I get my league XML? To get your league XML it helps if you are the commish. If not here is how to do it:
  1. Make your roster a 'public viewable league'**.
  2. Get your league key*** from your Yahoo league site URL.
  3. Go to the Yahoo Console and replace the sample league key, 150156, with your league key, click 'Test' and copy the result.
  4. Paste the result above in the text area, remove any extra line breaks, and click submit.
  5. Come back tomorrow**** and your customized results for trades, waivers, etc. can be found under the RoboCoach tab
* What is the first part of the league key, the number at the beginning, before the .l., i.e., '371'? That's the Yahoo Query Language resource key:
  1. 371 means the 2017 NFL Season
  2. 359 means the 2016 NFL Season
  3. Normally you would only care about the current season
  4. If you want to see more seasons or have fun with YQL then run the following in the console
  5. select * from fantasysports.games where game_key='nfl'
** How do I make my roster publically viewable? To make your yahoo roster public viewable your commish must do the following:
  1. Go to your league site at Yahoo
  2. Click the 'commissioner' link on the menu bar
  3. Click 'Edit League Settings'

*** How do I get my league key? Your league key is in the URL of your league, e.g., http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/150156, '150156' is the league key.

What if my league rosters aren't publically viewable? Sorry, if your leauge isn't publically viewable then you won't be able to get the information from the Yahoo console.

****Why don't I see my league right away? Note the Yahoo sync job runs overnight (EST) and doesn't run on Monday or Tuesday mornings.